"Now I can sense in joyful mood
The autumn spirit waking.
The winter will, in me,
Wake summer of the soul"
Rudolf Steiner Calendar of the Soul Week 30 (27th October to 7th November)
It is Halloween, all Souls Night in the Christian calendar, Samhain in the Celtic year. The "thin" time when the spiritual world comes close to our earthly one.Â
In Greek mythology, Persephone returns to the underworld and Demeter allows the plants to rest.Â
In Mexico and many other Latin countries it is the Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos.
And of course what we all know is that the year is closing in, the weather is getting colder and wetter and the darkness is a long part of each day.
We are often challenged at this time of year to find the strength to kindle our own inner fire to see us through the winter. Steiner says this is the time of year when we need to work with our will power, our commitment to being in human bodies.

Even the simple practical things demand more of us at this time of year. I always feel a pang when I put aside my summer clothes, although there is a cosy pleasure in dressing in warm woollies for a wintery day.
If you have experienced bereavement, this may be the time that sadness and longing suddenly become strong again. And it is the time when we notice that we are getting older. (As we all are of course!). For many our awareness of our own death is more acute at this time of year.
So whatever the business of your lives, take a little time to acclimatise to the change of season. Create mini retreats: perhaps a walk at dusk to see how the glorious light of the summer is reflected back by the autumn leaves. (I particularly love the bracken in a dusky autumnal light. I can imagine it gathering up sunshine just to give it back in a glory of bronze and gold before it fades into the earth.)
Or sit by a fire and watch the flames.
Of course I can’t avoid reminding you that a Craniosacral Therapy session can help retune the body and the heart for the challenges of the dark time of year.
What are the things that make your heart sing at this turning point?