Michael and the dragon
2 min read

It is the season of Michaelmas, a week after the equinox, that tipping point when the nights in the northern hemisphere become longer than the days.
Traditional paintings show St George, Michael’s representative on earth, slaying the fiery dragon and, if we consider the outer world, we might be forgiven for imagining that is what has happened. It is cold, the mornings and evenings are dark and I have had to rethink my wardrobe.
But for me there is another way of looking at this transitional time of year.
During the summer, with the warm air and the growing plants, we have the chance to breathe out, relax a little. Now, with the outer darkness around us, we need to gather into ourselves the power which, in the summer, flows freely towards us from the warmth of the sun.
As the days get colder and shorter, we are called on to tend our inner fire of courage, and it seems to me that, rather than trying to subdue or suppress the dragon, our task is to harness the dragon power to help us find the bravery we need in our lives.
We have to dig deep into our inner beings and call up strength, fearlessness and self knowledge to create an inner light in the worldy darkness.
Among groups of people, the dragon is very present at Michaelmas. It always seems to be at this time of year that the worst rows break out, intractable differences of opinion, fiery arguments and disagreements. Now the fire of the dragon is working against us, our own will power has to develop to help us recognise the destructiveness of these indiscriminate flames. It is not safe or easy to play with fire.
May you enter the autumn with grace and dignity and find inner warmth and strength to see you through this glorious time of year. May you be inspired by the fiery glory of the autumn colours and the comfort of the fireside.